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1 Take the three question survey – please!. No wrong answers. Not a test- SURVEY HERE

2.Schedule your Zoom call- NUMBER ONE PRIORITY PLEASE!! -Pacific Time – up until 6pm pacific- Tues- Saturday- offer 3 or 4 alternate times

Calendar here 

3.Log in to Your Self Hypnosis Site (this is a separate FREE site to use) and listen to Module one – ego strengthener on this page SELF HYPNOSIS EGO STRENGTHENER

4.Go through the info on Facts and Fallacies and a brief History of Hypnosis HERE

5.Watch the videos on Induction and deepening here: INTRO VIDEO SERIES

6. Original Webinar Replay-CLICK HERE

7. Study Rules of the Mind ( in Webinar) – fundamentals for all Hypnosis – PDF HERE

8.Review Pages from Webinar for any questions you might want to askCLICK HERE


Anything else email me at